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We are currently working on a relaunch – stay tuned!
Join us on a journey to give a voice to young people affected by the climate crisis and to inspire collective action.
We want to initiate a movement that focuses on the power of mindfulness and meditation as a way to address the emotional and mental impacts of the climate crisis, while also promoting collective awareness and action. We hope to encourage individuals to incorporate mindfulness practices into their daily lives and to build community around the shared goal of addressing climate change.
oid&jung is a socio-political project that promotes more intergenerational understanding.
Und plötzlich steht er vor dir – Ashwaq Tallu wurde in Irak als Sklavin gehalten.
Refugee policy: A life like living among the dead.
More and more refugees on the Greek…
Flucht und Geschäft: Schlepper in Seenot – Wer ist Opfer, wer Täter? Die Geschichte einer…
Mosul old city
Children in Iraq remain highly vulnerable due to ongoing displacement and precarious living conditions.
Berghof Foundation — Responsible for layout, graphic design, translation.
Kinderveteranen –
Im August 2017, als der Junge nach drei Jahren Gefangenschaft zurückkehrte, sprach er…
Flüchtlingspolitik: Ein Leben wie unter Toten – Immer mehr Geflüchtete auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos…